For starters, Pittsburgh's famous Heinz Memorial Chapel was just as gorgeous as you can imagine. Meghan and Jim exchanged vows and later marched out hand-in-hand with a bagpiper leading the way. Afterward, we stopped by the Mellon pillars and Phipps Conservatory for some fun bridal party shots. The evening was topped off with a wonderful reception at The Cathedral Room at St. Nicholas's church in Oakland.
It was a busy morning getting everyone ready for the day...

..but not everyone was wide awake.

Gorgeous Heinz Chapel.

Gotta love the red doors.

And a fun bridal party...

...see what I mean?

And the handsomest little ring bearer.

Meghan, you are beautiful!

And Jim, you're handsome, too.

Love the cuff links...

I didn't tell him to do this...

An awesome shot by Jay.

Lucky for us, the side park by Phipp's was open.


Then off to the reception at the Cathedral Room. So many lovely details.

Meghan's twin sister gave a great toast.

Followed by a very touching one from Jim's father.

And lastly a toast by Meghan's father that somehow involved feathers.

It always starts innocently..

...but rarely ends that way.

I love how the little flower girl is totally mesmerized by the cake.

Meghan and Jim ended the evening with a lively dance floor. Maybe too lively.

Congratulations Meghan and Jim!
The photos inside Heinz Chapel are truly breathtaking. Beautiful job Mary! :)