But, one of their most useful tools is one that I've only recently begun using. That's Google Reader. I know, I know. For some of you regular bloggers, this is nothing new. My dear Sister told me about Google Reader a while back, but I guess I had just forgotten about it until a month or so ago.
Basically, instead of just "bookmarking" the blogs that you like to read and having to check back periodically to see if there's any updates, you "subscribe" to the blogs you want. Google then brings you all the updates from your subscribed blogs to one central location. No more having to check blogs mindlessly for updates.
Example (from my friend Heather's blog):

So how do you get this great service? All you need is a Google account--just sign up for free at Google.com. Then you'll see Reader is a service connected with your account. Hop on over to Reader and search for the blogs you want to read regularly. (ahem, Birchtree Photography):

My blog is the one with only 4(!!) subscribers. Now, I know there's more than four people who read my blog regularly (the stats tell me so). So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for Google Reader and subscribe to my blog. And thanks for reading!
I'm one of your four. :-)