We left Pittsburgh on Sunday June 21st, connecting in Newark and landing in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was an overnight flight, so needless to say we were a bit bleary eyed on our Monday morning bus ride from the Edinburgh airport to the train station in the center of town. I'm sure we stood out like a sore thumb with our large "American" sized suitcases (apparently Americans just can't leave home without half their closet). Anyway, after arriving at Waverly Station we boarded a train for Durham, England, where Martha, Ben, and Liam live. Needless to say, Jay and I were quite exhausted by they time we arrived, so we did very little site-seeing on Monday.
The next day, however, we all five climbed into a car and drove to York, where we spent the day exploring the town.
First up, though, is the little village where Martha lives--this park near their townhouse makes you feel like you're living in the country.

I hadn't seem Liam in about a year. He was a bit shy at first.

Now there's a smile.

Liam studies the stuffed animal I brought him.

Blue-eyed boy.

Is he dancing?

Ok, ok--pictures of York.

Yorkminster. No, it doesn't really slope up like that--it's just my lens and the fact that it's so very tall. Quite impressive.

Inside ceiling.


Please, really, no busking.

We had tea at Betty's--a cute tea room that's been around since the 1920's.

Your eyes aren't deceiving you--it's really that slanted.

You can actually walk around on the city walls--but not your dog.

Old and new.

I don't recall the name of this park.

Liam was more interested in chasing birds.

We visited the national train museum.

Royal carriage. Yeah, I could travel like that.

Old castle. Don't worry--there's lots more of these to come.

The end of the day--still smiling.

Stay tuned for Wales...coming next.
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